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Scientific playground for kids and grown-ups


Easter experiments

Chemistry, Physics and Biology demonstrated by experiments with eggs


Our school


The 250-year-old Eötvös József High School in Tata has a modern science laboratory. It serves as a centre of excellence for teaching methodologies of physics, chemistry and biology. We organise laboratory research, extracurricular activities and science camps for different age groups with the intent of talent development. These events are not only for our own students, primary and secondary school groups are welcome.







Scientific Playground


Our special program series is called Scientific Playground. It is all about teaching by playing. Our objective is to entertain children while generating interest in science. During the sessions even the smallest kids can do the experiments themselves. They listen to the teacher's explanation, and following the rules, they individually measure, pour, drop, heat fluids, cut and glue objects.







With the wide variety of experiments we enrich their knowledge, develop their manual skills and the capability of focusing on a single activity. We make different objects, toys they can play with and may take home.

Kids, parents and teachers…they all love this program. The most rewarding experience for a teacher is to work with genuinely interested sparkling-eyed children. High school students are also pleased to assist these events. Their help is much needed as two hours of active work with 20-30 children is quite a complex task.









Each Scientific Playground event is a pedagogical innovation, as during the planning of the experiments we often find ideas that can be used in the high school classroom, too. We work out the details, develop the experiments specifically to the need of the different age groups, and prepare the necessary tools. Our primary aspects are safety and environmental protection. These are as important as making the experiments interesting, attracting the attention of the children. On top of that we need to prepare large number of sets, so in spite of the laboratory background we often use bottles and other common tools and objects, helping us maintaining low cost and sustainability.






‘Easter experiments'


This time we present the ‘Easter experiments' from our Playground topics. The full program takes 120 minutes. If you have less available time you can use elements of it to create a shorter version.


In this project we use the egg in all possible forms, like raw and boiled egg, egg shell, yolk and egg white.







Video guide

1 Easter present — egg head with wheat and cress “hair”

   •  make a holder from plaster for the egg head (chemistry)

   •  put soil and plant seeds into the egg shell (biology)

   •  in the next few days watch the monocots and the dicotyledonous seeds (biology)


2 Which one is the raw and which one is the boiled egg?

   •  spin and brake it, why does it continue to spin? (physics)


3 The boiled egg

   •  spin it, the egg stands up to its top and stays like that till it spins (physics)

   •  trick: it can stand on the top with the help of a bit of salt, too

   •  put it into a glass of water, it looks so big! (physics)

   •  peel the egg, examine the thin membrane of the egg shell and the protein (biology)

   •  make it walk into a bottle through the narrow out hand come out with no harm (physic)



4 The raw egg

   •  crack the egg, separate the yolk and the egg white with a pressed plastic bottle (physic)

   •  put a few drops of blue vitriol and hydrochloric acid on the egg white: the protein denatures
      (chemistry, biology)

   •  mix the yolk with a few drops of oil and paint powder, paint the holder with the mixture (art)


5 The egg shell

   •  dissolve the egg shell in vinegar or hydrochloric acid

   • pour the generated carbon dioxide on the flame of a candle (chemistry)

   •  put the egg shell into the flame, the lime in it burns and slaked lime is formed(chemistry)

   • demonstrate osmosis with the egg (biology)


Short exercise sheet


Jó gyakorlatok


Húsvéti kísérletek a játszóházban


A projekt a szombat délelőtti Tudományos játszóházaink egyikére készült óvodások és kisiskolások számára. Lényege, hogy a gyerekek maguk végeznek el minden kísérletet a foglalkozást vezető tanár útmutatásaira figyelve, a szabályokat követve. A változatos tevékenykedtetéssel élményeket adunk, ismereteket gyarapítunk, manuális készséget és koncentráló képességet fejlesztünk.


A nagyobbak számára feladatlappal kiegészített változatot is készítettünk.


Feladatlap - tanári segédlet




Eötvös József Gimnázium és Kollégium

2890 Tata Tanoda tér 5.

Tel: 34/587-560   Fax: 34/487-844


Magyar Csabáné

kémia-fizika szakos tanár


Frankel Beatrix

matematika-fizika szakos tanár
